Time on your Hands

I am sitting with my thoughts, listening to what I have been trying to tell myself for years but could never hear amongst the chaos. The world has become quiet and I am starting to see. I am starting to hear, not only what I need, but what my kids need, and it is so simple. Love. Love is all anyone needs.

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Angela Wingard
Be Courageous Be Vulnerable Be You

There is beauty in the broken, that is true. Our battle wombs and scars tell a story, some of bravery and courage and others of survival and pain, and some victory and triumph. In that beauty, lies who we are, our character, our essence, our being. But are we really broken?

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Angela Wingard
My Perfect Perfectionist

My youngest child, my “golden child”, is the one that sucks my soul, the one who keeps me on my toes and has me making hard parenting decisions.  Did his two older siblings not prepare me for what was to come? Some say he is like my first child, but I disagree. We can categorize and box anything we want if we need to give it some meaning or reason.  However, the reality is, kids are who the are… and we really never know what we are going to get regardless of age, gender or whether they are the oldest, youngest or in between. They are who they are. Maguire is who he is.  

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RelationshipsAngela Wingard
Pushing your Kid the Right way

How do we know when to push our kids, and when to let them find their own way?  How do we know when to brush off the dirt and wipe the tears away, or let them curl up with their blanket and stay in their safe place.  Finding the balance between pushing our kids outside their comfort zone and allowing them to do as they want, can be extremely difficult. 

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Angela Wingard
Vaccines…Let’s Talk about it

I often get asked my opinion on vaccines.  Did I give them to my kids and my view on them.  Because I have a son with Autism, it is assumed that I am in the know and that I have a strong belief about vaccines.  Well the truth is, I don’t.  

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AutismAngela Wingard
More than Just a Mom

As my life is shifting and my transformation continues, so will my blog and my purpose.  I will continue to share about my kids and life being an Autism Mom on Velcro Shoes. My new website will be launching soon and I will be focusing on helping YOU. 

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Angela Wingard

I am in the middle of battling the school district, advocating for Caden to be placed in a school where he will thrive.  Who settles for their kid to survive, when they have potential for so much more. I have never been into politics, but I can say this with certainty, the government sucks.  Everything is about money.

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AutismAngela Wingard
Sensory Play

As a parent of a kid that has sensory processing issues, it is so nice to see that toys are being made that won’t red flag a kid for having an “issue”.  All kids are playing with them, not just kids that have learning deficits.

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Moving Sucks

It has been about 2 ½ years of planning and hoping and strategizing how we can remodel our house and make it more liveable for a family of five with three boys getting bigger by the day.  We started off thinking we were rich, and could build an amazing dream home… but have come to realize, we are not rich, we have a ton of expenses with private schools and therapies, and we are going to be building our dream home, just on a smaller scale.

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Angela Wingard
Park Mom

I have never been a park mom or one to take my kids on adventures.  I literally would rather stick a needle in my eye then sit at a park toe tapping thinking about all the things on my “to do” list while my kids run around.  I am almost positive I qualify for ADD or ADHD, OCD and Anxiety disorder, not to mention insanity.

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Angela Wingard
2019 Peace Out Selfie

New Year’s resolution time.  The time of year where I am supposed to look deep within and come up with some amazing motivational statement or mantra for the year.  Or I can look on IG and like everyone else’s quotes that are life changing.

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Angela Wingard
Letting Go

I was in awe… and I knew that it was time to let my kid go, there was no stopping him. He was more than capable and he was showing me he was ready to embrace what the world has to offer. I am still protective, that will never go away… but I have learned to keep my mouth shut, and let Caden discover who he is.

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Angela Wingard
Who is This Kid?

Kyle has inattentive ADHD.  This is not an ADHD diagnosis. Inattentive ADHD are kids that are quiet, go unnoticed by teachers and are rarely treated… they are the kids that fall between the cracks.  

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AutismAngela Wingard
The Future is Bright

You could feel the nervous energy of both the kid and the parents as the entered their new home. I was in the exact same place last year, and all my feelings were still very much with me.  

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Angela Wingard
Let Him Soar

It is so hard being a parent and trying to do the right thing for our kids.  None of it is easy. With Caden, whether or not to send him to local or private school is a gamble, but I can only do what I think is best for him.

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AutismAngela Wingard